It was IBDP’s first ESS (Environmental Systems and Societies) Lab work.
It was quite simple.
Light a paper.
And light a candle.
And so, they thought.
As per usual, Maryam Bushra was eager to light a splint for the very first time.
So, she did.
The flame travelled across the matchstick quickly and nearly engulfed her finger.
She exclaimed, “Allahu Akbar (God is Greater)!”, and quickly dropped the match stick onto the fireproof dish. The whole class erupted with laughter.
Already a fail.
Next came her sister, Amina Bushra, ready to prove that she could successfully lit the paper on fire.
Her excitement coupled with her quick hands lit the splint rapidly.
Swish, sparks flew.
And kissed her sister’s shoulder.
Maryam jumped.
The class hooted, “You tried to murder your sister!”
Second fail.
Now nearing the end of the experiment, it was time to blow the candle.
Guess who wanted to blow it?
Maryam Bushra.
So, she huffed and puffed,
And blew.
The ash, paper and wax all blew onto Bijoy’s shirt.
Bijoy looked out in shock.
And the whole class couldn’t hold their laughter and erupted into giggles.
And Mashnoon laughingly remarked, “She blew everything except the candle.”
Risk assessment,
Don’t bring the twins.
Written By Amina Bushra
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